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! BREAKING NEWS: Dec 17, 2021 Please be informed that during WINTER HOLIDAY tea production is on pause. Due to this intermittence, we are not able to ship between DEC. 28, 2021 and JAN. 6 2022. We will resume dispatching orders from the 6th of January 2022. Happy New Year!

Situation in Japan during the COVID 19 crisis

Regularly updated riport on the regulations and measures that effect the operation of Sazen Tea. ...


Genuine quality Chinese teas from Japan

As a Japanese company, why do we sell Chinese and Taiwanese teas? Are they good-quality? Are they worth it? We answer these questions here! ...


Free Tea Samples

What quality, quantity and variety? If you want to know more about the "surpeise tea", read our article! ...


Prices and shipping costs

We believe that not offering free shipping is the best way to serve our customers. It is honest, friendly and fair for both domestic and international buyers. ...


Introducing Uji matcha to the world

Quality, reliability and long history - the reasons to choose branded Uji matcha. Read the thoughts of the owner of Sazen Tea about how we interpret matcha tea at our company. ...

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